Whoops I didn’t post since before the election. I still exist! Do not worry!
Not only do I exist, I’ve been productive. Having seen a wonderful Labour arts manifesto go up in smoke, I resolved that as spoken word opportunities definitely weren’t going to fall in my lap, I had to make them happen for myself. I drew up a list of 20 goals for 2020 and got to work.
And, uh, then a bunch of opportunities fell into my lap.
Firstly, the eagle-eyed among you will note a few things in the gigs column over on the right. The details are being ironed out, but all those things should be happening and will be fleshed out a little more soon. I’m particularly thrilled about getting to perform with fellow autistic creatives – creating a platform for my own actualisation has been a long struggle, and to have comrades alongside me on it means the absolute world to me.
Secondly, on the subject of that long struggle, I recently had the opportunity to blog for Autism Health & Wellbeing on how spoken word performance illuminated self-validation and recovery. It was wonderful to write and even more wonderful to share. A huge thanks must go to Flo Neville at AutismHWB for the opportunity and assistance. Happily, this wasn’t my only opportunity to set down some thoughts on this subject – I hope to have another contribution to something similar in the public sphere very soon. Watch this space etc etc.
So yeah! Maybe I didn’t need a list after all! Just kidding of course I did, I have to force myself to do absolutely anything other than occasionally spill words into my notes app. But it’s going well! I’d ticked off 2 goals of the 20 within a couple of weeks of January, and I’m well on the way to several more. That includes the gigs over in the sidebar, some new written material, and a bunch of other ideas that may either revolutionise the medium of spoken word, or just use up a bunch of my evenings with me goofing around being myself. Either’s good with me. Both mean life, and life is good.
C x